Tuesday 17 June 2014

Torta di ricotta salata ad 'occhio

Torta di ricotta salata

A summer meal that is  great for watching the World cup matches
Until I came to live in Italy I would always cook scrupulously following the instructions of a recipe. The ingredients would always be weighed on the kitchen scales, the oven temperature and timer exactly as stated in the cookery book. Whenever I ask my Italian friends for a recipe they will often tell you the ingredients and when you ask about the quantities they shrug their shoulders and say ad'occhio. This can be translated as by the eye  and it means just by looking at it. So you don't ever know how much of anything you need. You do it by trial and error. Many years ago at a friend's house I had this delicious Ricotta cheese pie and when I asked for the recipe she gave me the list of ingredients and said to do it all ad'occhio.

Ricotta cheese pie

Butter a pie dish and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
In a large bowl beat together 3 - 4 eggs, 250g Ricotta, grated Parmesan cheese and enough breadcrumbs to form a spreading consistency. Add a handful of sliced olives, if liked. Season to taste and spread over the buttered pie dish. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and decorate with anchovy fillets if liked. Dot with flecks of butter and bake in the oven at 180 for about 25 - 30 minutes until golden .
This is nice warm or cold so ideal for summer.
Ricotta cheese, Parmesan cheese, olives, anchovies, breadcrumbs and eggs,

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