Saturday 11 July 2015

Saturday Morning Summer Sounds

The Italian writer Umberto Eco, famous world wide for his book ' The name of the Rose', gave some advice for aspiring writers and one of them was not to aliterate but I couldn't resist Saturday Summer Sounds..

When you drive from England to the South of Europe sometime after Paris you will be aware of the constant chatter of the cigale, grasshoppers in English. It is a happy sound, a busy sound a Summer sound. Once you hear that sweet music of the insect world you know you are heading to the land of sunshine and twinkling blue sea.
In Italy from the moment you wake up in the morning you are accompanied through the day by their lively joyful soundtrack. Amazingly for me this July the cuckoo is joining in with them, what a pleasure to sip your coffee listening to such a talented band of musicians, Nature's Summer Soundtrack.

In the tale 'The Ant and the Grasshopper', we learn that who spend his time making music won't have much to eat in the Winter whereas the industrious ant will have a wonderful store of delights to see him through to Spring.

When I told my little granddaughter this story she looked at me in astonishment,

'Why doesn't the ant give him some of his food'' she asked.

I felt so proud of her.

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