Sunday 5 January 2014

Something to look forward to

A friend and I were discussing whether book shops could compete against kindles and ordering on line. I said how much I love going into bookshops. There is something so peaceful about browsing through and looking at all the sections and titles of the books. The lighting and the colours of the books, all those different interests, all those worlds contained in the pages. If there is a coffee bar, even better. Blackwells in Oxford, Waterstones in Piccadilly, Feltrinelli in Bologna and Milan, all so inviting and stimulating to me.

Instead, my friend said, what about how wonderful is to order your books and DVDs and then have that to look forward to. Then, when the parcel arrives, all the excitement of opening it, and  without having to go anywhere.

This made me think of how important it is to have something to look forward to. However small. Some people have very busy lives, their calendars bursting with events, pottery classes, bungee jumping, parties, yoga. For other people this would be too intense, they might find these full calendars, sort of claustrophobic. We are all different there.

It is of course important to live each day, but to have something to look forward to, can help, through the more difficult times. It could  be a reply to a letter or an email from a friend, a phone call, a good book to escape to at the end of the day.

Straight after Christmas there  used to be so many adverts for Summer holidays in Britain. Here, in Italy there is the Settimana Bianca (winter-sports holiday), for those who can, which is next after Christmas.

There is also, no sooner than the Befana has delivered her sweets and presents, Carnevale (carnival). Already the cake shops are full of the typical sweets eaten at Carnevale.

Just as you think you can at last start to slow down, the irrestible aroma of crostoli ("angel wings"?) and frittelle (Carnival doughnuts) fills the air and lures you in.

How did I get here from thinking about books and DVDs being delivered?

Well, it's all to do with ... something to look forward to ...

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