Wednesday 28 January 2015

New short story blog!

I have just started a new blog for my short stories.  So far on my Expatangie blog I have shared my favourite poems, recipes, anecdotes and 'poems that I could have written when I was ten.'  I have also written lots of short stories for your coffee break, some of these are in groups, Stories from Le bar Marchè, Stories from a Village Perché, Stories to warm the cockles of your heart, Stories from The cedar Cafè.. etc.
To make it easier for your to separate fact from fiction my stories will now be in their own special blog. This is the link!

Angie's short stories

All my stories will be published there.
I have put a link to the blog on the side bar so you can find it easily.

So from now on, in this blog you will find all my recipes, poems, anecdotes and inspirational thoughts.
Thank you for all your support, comments and it's lovely to know you enjoy my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Good luck, it's a real pleasure to read your posts!
