Wednesday 26 March 2014

Sunshine on Leith and Still Life

Whenever I am in a shop in England that sells DVD s I cannot resist anything that has lots of stars on the cover and promises to be a real treat, superb, feel-good or such like. So I pounced on "Sunshine on Leith" to bring back to Italy with me as part of my readjustment programme from one culture to another. It promised to be the next "Mamma Mia". Now I love "Mamma Mia", although I would never have admitted to liking Abba way back in the 70s. I have spent many a happy afternoon watching "Mamma Mia" with my little grand-daughter, she was always sound asleep by the time we listened to "I have a dream". It's not so easy to watch it with her now that she is older, because she wants to know what dot dot dot means, and why Sophia doesn't know which man is her father.
Sunshine on Leith is a story written around thirteen songs by The Proclaimers and we really enjoyed it. Light-hearted relief and all that.
Still life was part of our cineforum programme, which tends to show films that not many people want to see. We had heard lots of positive comments about Still Life, but no-one had told us the ending...
These two films at first glance might not appear to have a lot in common, but to me they were both about our need to love and be loved and forgiveness.
These essential human needs that poets seem to deal with all the time.
I like this little verse about forgiveness by Robert Burns

Where with intention I have erred,
No other plea I have,
But Thou art good, and goodness still
Delighteth to forgive

Although it is still March, this poem that likens the effect April showers have on plants to that which love has on human beings, seems appropriate

Deeds from love, and words that flow,
Foster like kind April showers,
In the warm sun all things grow
Wholesome fruits and pleasant flowers
All so thrive his gentle rays
Whereon human love displays
Thomas Campion

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