Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Playing House

You remember as a child how everything seemed magical yet simple?
All you needed to do to make perfume was to crush the rose petals from the garden in a bucket of water, dig a really big hole  in the garden and you'd get to Australia, run like the wind on a broomstick and you'd take off and fly over to see your auntie and give her a nice surprise, clap your hands to make Tinkerbell well again? It took awhile for me to realize things weren't that easy!

In the kitchen I thought all you had to do was mix tasty ingredients together and put them in the oven or cook them nice and slow on the stove, mum makes it look so easy.
At school there was a little house in the corner of the classroom where we could play house and today I made a recipe that brought back that feeling.

It is easy, it is quick and it must be good for you with fresh wholesome ingredients, it makes me think of life, the ingredients for a happy life are few, and simple, you can then spice it up as you wish, so here it is, hope you like it, though I have to say that the verdict in my house is that they prefer my Foccacia Pugliese and Torte salate!

Savoury Cheese Cake, that a child could make!

You will need

one large mixing bowl and a fork

250g flour, plus savoury baking powder
250ml milk
1 egg, lightly beaten
70g grated cheese
40ml olive oil, or corn oil
salt and pepper to taste

Put the flour and baking powder into a large bowl and gradually beat in the milk using a fork.
Add the oil and egg beating gently all the time with the fork so the mixture is smooth and creamy.
Beat well together and then stir in the cheese.

Pour into a baking tin and bake in the oven at 180 for 30 minutes.

You can add chopped olives and then make a decoration on the top with a few anchovies, add herbs and a teaspoon of mustard to the basic mixture. Sprinkle the top with pine nuts or sesame seeds.
When cool cut into slices and serve with a green salad or other vegetables of your choice.
If liked serve with a dash of Worcester sauce.

Here is the Byrds version of this lovely song, Goin' Back also done by Dusty Springfield.
Sometimes it's nice to go back, we need to go back to bring all our happy memories to live again in our hearts. When I make recipes like this I remember that feeling of all being magical and you just had to believe hard enough.

Just a few ingedients

MIx well and pour into a pie dish


  1. mmm! what a great recipe! thank you !

    1. Hope you like it,thank you for reading and commenting x

  2. Wow! Creative recipe! I like.... Thank your sharing! ^^ Healthoop
