Monday 11 May 2020

If you don't laugh you'll cry

So many times in life you might think that if you don't think about something it will go away.  So many times we have heard things like 'You made your bed, now lie in it'. 'Roll up your sleeves and get on with it,' ' idle hands make fretful minds.'' It's nothing that a bit of hard work won't cure, ' 'Look on the bright side, ' you've got too much to think about, ' 'You haven't got enough to do,' 'everyone back to what they were doing, ' etc etc. I am sure you can come up with many of your own that people have told you over the years.
The point is that we are constantly urged to have something to do, something to get on with to take our mind off our worries.
In these troubled times many of us have turned to social media for comfort. Some of us might sent videos, quotes, inspirational thoughts that in normal times would have been an intrusion into our days. To sit down and watch entertaining videos that last anything up to five minutes thirty times a day would be too time- consuming. Now however it is a comfort, a welcome distraction and a sign that someone is thinking of you.
Of course there is nothing funny about the reason we are all staying at home and avoiding each other, quite the opposite, it is tragic. Yet we can find solace in humour.

Thank you everyone who has sent me videos that have cheered me up and made me feel less alone.


  1. And thank you for posting such a heartfelt and generous blog, Angela. You've made me ashamed of how impatient I get about all these videos. It really is the thought that counts, or as they say in Holland 'het gaat om de bedoeling' (literally 'it goes on the intention').

    1. Dear Val, hank you so much for reading and for your kind comments that mean so much to me,
