Monday 6 April 2020

I'll be missing you

Missing someone is a deeply ingrained embedded feeling within me. i have missed someone or other for as long as I can remember. It isn't a nice feeling. you could cal it a yearning, a longing and also an empty feeling of something lacking, something that you need that is not a part of you anymore, but was and you loved it. You loved it with all your being and it's not there anymore, it's like being in mourning. It never goes away.
I'm used to missing people and it doesn't make it easier just because you're used to it.
Right now everyone knows what ir feels like to miss someone. There are techniques to cope with that missing feeling, remember the happy times, treasure your memories, tell them you love them if they are still somewhere here,


  1. Ah yes, Angela. I miss my daughters terribly at the moment, but at least we have Skype, Zoom, Facetime and other communication means. Thank you for this!

    1. Dear Val my thoughts are with you, how my parents would have loved WhatsApp and skype! thank you for reading and your kind comments
