Sunday 29 March 2020

TCWG short story Journal 1

Last week I called an elderly friend to wish her a happy birthday. She was actually quite excited by this change in events, people were being kind to her like never before. She's used to being on her own at home and was enjoying the spring sunshine in the garden. She'd been out shopping and in Marks and Spencer they had given her the roses that were left over and some chocolate eclairs. She was delighted and told the girl at the till it was her birthday. The roses were stunning just perfect for her birthday, the sun was shining, her fridge was full, people were ringing up to see how she was that she hadn't heard from for years. She'd even been given a Christmas present that someone had forgotten to give her.
When I put the phone down a lump came to my throat, a sadness came over me, why do people have to wait for a common enemy to show how much they care?


  1. Yes, indeed, Angela. The trouble is most of us are so busy, it's only at times of enforced stillness that we have a moment to think of people we love but don't normally have time to contact. Maybe this is a benefit to all this unease. We have time to stop and share.

    1. That is the problem, our lives are shifting priorities and in our immediate circle there are people who need us and occupy our time
